By simon In Activities Review, Community Contribution, Economic Research, 回饋社會, 活動回顧Posted 2021-07-31「聚焦中出」線上系列講座: 泰國經貿新機遇CHINESE VERSION ONLY7月份的「聚焦中出」系列講座邀請到駐港泰國領事館(商務部)商務專員及領事Ms. Chanunpat Pisanapipong(燦爛帕皮山亞披蓬女士)及泰國政府旅遊局香港辦事處處長Ms. Naparat Vudhivad擔任主講嘉賓,分享泰國為刺激出口和重啟旅遊業所推出的新措施。 READ MORE
By simon In Import and Export DataPosted 2021-07-27External merchandise trade statistics for June 2021In June 2021, the values of Hong Kong's total exports and imports of goods both recorded year-on-year increases, at 33.0% and 31.9% respectively. READ MORE
By simon In Activities Review, Community Contribution, Fun Reading DayPosted 2021-07-18我們一起悅讀的日子書展慈善活動2021 CHINESE VERSION ONLY READ MORE