Fun Reading Day

Jointly organized by Yazhou Zhoukan, The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, “Fun Reading Day” has been organized every year since 2015, becoming one of the most popular event in the academia.

Given the support from each party, The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association has been responsible for the funding resources and project coordination between Yazhou Zhoukan and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers. Our aim is to provide support for students from grassroots families through reading and writing promotion. We kept enhancing “Fun Reading Day” by adding new elements every year, appealing to teachers and students. Among Hong Kong 1,000 primary and secondary schools, nearly 1/5 have participated our event in just a few years, creating a large impact.

The main event will be arranged on 19 July and 20 July, during Hong Kong Book Fair. With the support from Hong Kong Trade Development Council, providing the venue at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, students are able to experience Hong Kong Book Fair, stimulate reading motivation and allowing us to sponsor students to purchase books during the fair.


我們一起悅讀的日子書展慈善活動2021 CHINESE VERSION ONLY

<p style="text-indent: 2em;">「我們一起悅讀的日子」目的是推動校園建立良好的閱讀風氣、培育學生對閱讀及寫作的興趣和習慣。活動於2021年7月15、16日於灣仔會議展覽中心順利舉行,但由於疫情關係,內地、台灣、澳門的師生及作家未能來港參與。</p> <p style="text-indent: 2em;">大會邀請了教育局局長楊潤雄擔任15日中學組活動的主禮嘉賓,而16日小學組邀請到民政事務局副局長陳積志擔任主禮嘉賓、商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里出席,並分別由香港教育工作者聯會副主席朱國強和活動籌委會副主席兼香港教育工作者聯會副主席梁俊傑致開幕辭,以及由籌委會委員、香港中華出入口商會副秘書長李志峰致謝辭。</p> <p style="text-indent: 2em;">「我們一起悅讀的日子」活動的初衷就是引領學生們走進閱讀世界,不僅要愛上閱讀,更要快樂的「悅」讀,更能用文字來抒發自己的感受。因此,活動邀請了本港作家帶著自己的閱讀故事和「悅讀」書單來與孩子們分享,引導他們在閱讀中思考,在思考中創作,在創作中發現文字的樂趣,包括香港兒童文學作家黃虹堅、周蜜蜜,還有《南山七小福》作者朱穎詩和創作總監王賢訊,以及「騎行者」賴都(阿毛)的分享。</p> <p style="text-indent: 2em;">今年的主題是「心靈勵志」,各位學生可以透過今次的作文題目,表達自己在疫情下感受,藉此抒發情感,調節個人心靈。兩日活動共吸引了近500名中、小學師生在大會安排下參觀香港書展及購買書籍,及在作家及嘉賓分享下獲益良多。</p>

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